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Roberson secures millions in roadwork for Bledsoe County

Projects to improve roads in various parts of the county are being funded by the state, according to Bledsoe County Road Supervisor Robby Roberson.

The largest project is a resurfacing project for Summer City Road as part of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Industrial Access Program. The program provides funding and technical assistance for highway access to new and expanding industry.

For more see the August 8 issue of The Bledsonian Banner.


  1. PETE S BOERST on August 21, 2019 at 3:45 pm

    Is mountain Creek road goona get paved??

  2. Kimberly Chapman on January 8, 2020 at 7:14 am

    I live on Summer City Rd. I have pictures of the road, it’s crumbling, pot holes, curbs crumbling. Where did this money go? I voted for him but never will again

  3. Tara on March 29, 2020 at 12:25 pm

    Will Toms Road be fixed? We have mountain rock coming up where the rain has washed away the gravel and it’s damaging my vehicles!

  4. Vanessa on October 2, 2020 at 12:03 am

    At the start of Robert Reed road an all the way through to the other side needs to be redone. The road floods over an the bridge is in wrose shape suprise it hadn’t cave in yet. There a ditch where a cover that use to be there but it full of mud an rock and water can’t go through it by pass it an wash a deep trench next to it. I’ve seen the road crew grade it an that makes it smooth ride but doesn’t fix the real issue with the road.

  5. Charles abbott on March 4, 2021 at 8:11 am

    I contacted Ronny Robertson’s office twice to inform him of the problem we have on spring lake drive with heavy trucks, i.e. garbage,delivery, yard, etc. They are running up and over the curbing to avoid making a two turn maneuver in or exit to our entrance. The black top is heaved up on both sides, rutts up on the lawn area due to the heavy trucks.,making our properties less desirable! When I called back again, I was informed “there is nothing he can do”. Maybe the mayor should be involved at this point. There should be some kind of barrier installed to prevent this from destroying our county road!!!

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